Independent developer since 2015, based in southwest France
near Toulouse.
I specialize in Elixir and the BEAM/OTP.
Salut ! Je suis un développeur indépendant, près de
Toulouse, spécialisé sur Elixir et la BEAM. Bonne visite :).
My software studio Turing-Express runs , a database, communication & publishing tool for architects
and technical offices, saving hours of precious time.
You'll find below articles or notes on programming and amateur optics
- Elixir from elixir
- Git Igor
- Liveview can be super boring
- EleusisT's 3D printable DIY 1:10 crayford reducer / fine focus knob
- Variations on the "leverage language from elixir" pattern.
- 2024 amateur optics / astronomy updates
- [Talk] ElixirConf EU 24 — Let's write a toy language from scratch in Elixir
- [Podcast] ElixirWizards S13E04 — Creating a Terrestrial Telescope using Nerves & LiveView
- What if LiveView gave DOM access to Elixir ?
- Open XYZ platform for interferometry
- My one-day white-hat career
- Distributed transcription with Whisper and Elixir
- Absurd debug : why is the website DOSing Spotify ?
- From a fresh ubuntu 22.04 ARM VM to building nerves_system_rpi3 & circuits_quickstart
- Playing with HTML5 Canvas from Elixir
- A lightweight and easy to build 1.25" crayford focuser
- Habanero / vegetarian / basque pepper hot sauce
- An (Elixir+Nerves)-powered Cloud ☁️ (1/2)
- Hello AtomVM — Elixir & Erlang on ESP32
- Hello Bumblebee. Hello, Whisper !
- Let's dive deep into Plug.Conn.send_file/5
- [Talk] Code BEAM EU 23 - Prototyping a remote-controlled telescope with Elixir
- Periodic averages with overflowing buckets
- I would never allow users to upload PDFs in place of pictures
- Hosting a small language (Ovo2) from scratch in Elixir, pt 8
The end : the Ovo Optimal Personal System (oops), with liveview - Hosting a small language (Ovo2) from scratch in Elixir, pt 7
Weird features, towards a global stateful machine - Hosting a small language (Ovo2) from scratch in Elixir, pt 6
Basic recursion : an environment is a process - Hosting a small language (Ovo2) from scratch in Elixir, pt 5
Evaluation - Heavy modifications to the 200mm f/3.52 dob's upper cage.
- Hosting a small language (Ovo2) from scratch in Elixir, pt 4
Building an AST and a parse-print-parse feedback loop - A second silvering attempt yielding a better result
- Hosting a small language (Ovo2) from scratch in Elixir, pt 3
Parsing - Hosting a small language (Ovo2) from scratch in Elixir, pt 2
Tokenization - Hosting a small language (Ovo2) from scratch in Elixir, pt 1
gathering requirements from a previous experiment. - Raphaël's 300mm f/3.9 mirror
- DFTFringe on Mac ARM via multipass ... or Natively !
- First light with the 8in f/3.52 hyperbolic telescope
- A first silvering attempt yielding a result
- [ATM-Buddy] Addition of spray silvering calculator
- The Elixir Telescope
Part 8 : Controlling motors from Elixir - The Elixir Telescope
Part 7 : Elixir architecture questions - The Elixir Telescope
Part 6 : Three.js + websockets = a 3D moving telescope - The Elixir Telescope
Part 5 : Porting the depth of field simulation to Elixir + Rust - The Elixir Telescope
Part 4 : Simulating image capture and focusing - The Elixir Telescope
Part 3 : Raytracing a parabolic mirror from scratch - The Elixir Telescope
Part 2 : Primary mirror design & calculation - A remote-controlled telescope with Elixir, Vue, & Rust
Part 1 : Simulating movement & state with Elixir - Planning an hardware interface when you're from the software side
- Charabyx, Elixir bindings to the Rust lib. Charabia
- [Video, 35mn] f(x) = 📖, vers un système généraliste d'automatisation du design ?
- Fastfish, Elixir + Rust 2D poisson disc sampling
- [Video, 2h30] Fabrication d'un miroir primaire amateur
- [Video, 9m27s, no audio] 7th figuring session on an hyperbolic 8" f/3.54 mirror
- ATM-Buddy, a collection of mobile-friendly telescope making utilities
- SVG Zoneplate & Megapinhole generator
- A Blocky XYZ foucault tester
- Imago, Elixir + Rust image perceptual hashing
- Perspecto, my then ideal blog CMS
- 35c3 Leipzig notes - Robert Tibbo : An update on Snowden Refugees
- 35c3 Leipzig notes - Safe and secure PCI device drivers in high-level languages
- 35c3 Leipzig notes - Deep underground stars
- 35c3 Leipzig notes - Symbiflow : GCC for FPGAs ?
- 35c3 Leipzig notes - What the Fax ?
- Josef, an attempt at a video game