Lucas Sifoni

Open XYZ platform for interferometry

optics 3d-printing

I’m happy to release this printable XYZ platform for interferometry. It has been printed 3 times and improved at each print with ease-of-life features.

Find it on Printables :
or on Github :

It features :

Please know your printer and use the TOLERANCE TEST

You have to print everything flawlessly for smooth motion. To determine what STLs to use, please print the TOLERANCE TEST. It should slide freely, with a bit of sanding if you mis-placed the seam while slicing. Pay attention to the seam position ! Seam traps are on the roadmap but not implemented yet.

Why is the tolerance test so big ?

Good question : I found that my smaller tolerance tests (one rail only) did not give correct information as whether a whole stage would be smooth.

The tolerance is the fine space in this screenshot. The smallest you can print, the best :

NameValuePrinted and tested
Tightest0.07mm✅ (Bambu P1S)

Prints BOM

Vitamins BOM

M4 rod3
M4 nut12
M4 screw x 14mm16

Only uses M4 rods and M4 screws as vitamins. Superglue is used to lock the nuts and suppress Z axis wobble at the joint with the Y axis.

A few tips :

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